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Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024 |
HOLY ARE THOSE (#114) Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024 All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected White Aryans as His people to purify and evolve ever higher towards Him by following His instructions to us and by purifying our DNA, our genes, our minds and our bodies. Those among us who follow His simple but Holy instructions are beloved of God-As-He-Truly-Is and He shall help them on the upward path so long as they remain true to Him. 1. Holy are those who cause spirals, swastikas, fylfots to be on their White skin or in some way to be with them at all times to let GAHTI know what is in the minds and hearts of believers and to show Him that they love Him and will obey His will and His laws for our kind alone and who will struggle against evil and evil-doers in His name. 2. When you gather together to worship GAHTI do so as brothers and sisters and vow to help each other out in all ways so that the believers become a force for good and so the believers will be safe and will prosper and live happy lives with many children who shall also be believers. 3. Fight against those who hate GAHTI and who hate His symbols for they are evil-doers. Do not let them keep you from openly displaying your love for Him by displaying His symbols. Those who seek to harm GAHTI or deny His existence or harm His believers or who condone such harm are evil, no matter what other good they claim to do. They are to be kept from ever carrying out their harmful thoughts. 4. GAHTI commands you to obey and honor Him and to bear His symbols. Bear His spirals in all their forms wherever you may dwell or travel and know that He sees the symbols and He will protect you for bearing His symbols as signs of your faith and obedience. Allow none to defile or insult His symbols. Primary among the representations of His symbols is the spiraling four armed form, the swastika, for it represents Him in His most active form and it must be displayed at the most sacred times and days and it must be displayed wherever there are haters of Us. However, if you live in times and/or places of persecution for your beliefs and your faith, you must not become martyrs and you must conceal your true beliefs and the sacred symbols. Your safety so you can reproduce and do His work is of primary importance to Him so you must be clever and intelligent while staying true to your belief in Him. 5. GAHTI alone will determine what is proper and what is not proper for His believers. Have respect for all life for all life comes from Him and harm no life except as necessary for your well being.Go through life with an attitude of live and let live. No killing or harming any life forms for sport. No cruelty. Eat what you have to eat to stay healthy and vigorous and long living and making many more like yourself but seek to eat non-animals if this will not harm your health or vigor or impact you negatively. 6. Bear His symbols before you when you face the evil doers and they shall be a beacon and a light to His Shining Ones who shall aid you against those who hate you and GAHTI and who seek to destroy you. There is no final destination for you in flesh, where you can say that you are now finished and perfect, only the eternal travel as objects in orbit evolving ever higher and closer to GAHTI. 7. GAHTI has made you a peaceful and a just people and He commands you to be thus and to spend your lives in worship of Him in all the things that you do and no matter where you live or travel, but He warns you that there are those who are evil and they will attempt to destroy you. Do not show a peaceful face to evil doers, but be as ravening wolves. Make war to protect the faith and the faithful and if any try to harm the faith or the faithful by word or deed or by devious means or through clever plots, then they are to be made war upon by all means necessary until their threat is removed. Just as GAHTI has many faces, so too must you have many faces. He makes and destroys and remakes again trillions of stars to fulfill His plans and He is the spinning and He is the spun. He is the center and He is the arms trailing. His plans will unfold as He alone has decreed. So too do you play a part in His plans. As He is, you must be. He has made you His representatives on the worlds upon which you live to do there as He wishs and commands. His ways are your true natural ways for He has made and selected you to be thus, alone among all others. There are none but you who He has selected and you are alone and separate as He is alone and separate even in the midst of others. 8. He has created you to struggle all the days of your life and to walk your own steps. He has given you the legs and the feet, but you must take the steps. He has given you a brain, but you must think the thoughts. He has given you choices, but you must choose. He waits and He watches how you choose. Choose wisely and you shall be blessed for He is compassionate and just. Choose unwisely and you shall be cursed for He demands what He demands. Love the struggle and, GAHTI willing, you shall know happiness. Hate the struggle and you shall be unhappy all the days of your life. 9. Do not obey unjust laws that evil-doers enact to harm you the selected Kind. Any and all laws are unjust that rob you of your freedom of speech or religion or His commands for you to stay White in all ways, always and to separate from all non-Whites and live and work only among your own White kind. He has given you the freedom to think and speak freely and honestly and to believe in Him as He commands and to stay separate from all non-Whites. His laws are eternal and believers must obey Him and His laws that are always just and right and which are also to be seen in the natural things. Human laws that are just and which do not break His laws may be obeyed, but if they are unjust they are not to be obeyed even if you may pretend to obey them for your safety and the safety of your selected Kind. 10. GAHTI has your back and wants you to survive, thrive and evolve as He wants and He will help this happen. You just do your part, and He will do His part. You are never alone for GAHTI is with you always and He is always working on His plans of which you are an important and essential part. There is a great evil afoot in all lands today and GAHTI does not expect you to do the impossible to overcome all of it for everyone, everywhere but He does demand that you and yours and other true believers avoid the great evil by separating out from all other types of humans who can contaminate and pollute your sacred Essence (your DNA & genes). Your part is to stay true to GAHTI and His laws and rules for your kind alone as His selected kind. Even if you are the few who are true believers and even if you are but a tiny remnant of pure Whites, if you follow GAHTI's instructions you shall be the parents of the new ones foretold to come who are the Ubermenschen and who are the new type of humans who are pure White and who shall in time become the only humans for there are great cataclysms and die-offs coming that will help your kind alone pass through such unharmed to repopulate the world as GAHTI wants. Teach others of GAHTI and what He wants and do so among the downtrodden and powerless and those in prison and homeless and those without hope as well as those who are lucky in life who have power and mansions. # # # A FEW BASICS 1. We believe in God-As-He-Truly-Is (aka GAHTI). 2. We believe He has selected us. 3. We believe He sends messages through Arman. 4. We believe He has come in this day to save us from genocide and extinction and to further our evolution. Survive, thrive, improve, expand and evolve. Our religious morals, values, beliefs and practices are given to us from God-As-He-Truly-Is not man. We must live right. We must live White. We must not sin by race mixing. Right Blood, Right Belief, Right Action mean White Blood, White Belief, White Action. 8 P's--Purify, Protect, Propagate, Persevere, Perfect, Preserve, Prevail, Pray Humans when left to our own devices make many very wrong decisions. Only good religion based on God-As-He-Truly-Is' laws and commands can prevent us from making harmful mistakes. Do what God-As-He-Truly-Is commands Whites to do or not do and you will always do the right things in your life. ANY RELIGION THAT DENIES THE REALITY OF RACE, DNA, GENES IS A FALSE RELIGION THAT DENIES GOD-AS-HE-TRULY-IS' CREATION OF LIVING ORGANISMS AND DOES EVIL BY PUTTING IDEAS--things of the mind--BEFORE FLESH AND BLOOD. Skin and its color on humans is not like wrapping paper over identical packages. Our skin and its color are an essential part of the package, that is our beings, because our White skin is our largest organ and is absolutely essential to who and what we are. Our skin and its color come from within us, from our DNA Code. White skin is absolutely essential to us as White people. If we lose our Whiteness, we are no longer the same people. Of course we are more than just our skin color and we can be seen to be different by our body and facial features in addition to our White skin. Albinos of other races are not genetically White as we are and our Whiteness is genetically different and they can be easily seen to be different by their body and facial features. Do not be confused. We are our DNA code and Genes and they are us. GAHTI has made us of flesh and blood. Do not deny what GAHTI has made. We must not harm others and we must not interfere in the lives of those unlike us but must leave them to their own ways, fates and fortunes as GAHTI determines. We do not believe that we are superior across the board from any other types of humans but we do believe we are just different from them as they are different from us and that we must maintain those differences and not blend together by miscegenation or any other means but must remain separate and distinctly different peoples as demanded by GAHTI. # # # |
THREE BOOKS BY HARD TO PIGEONHOLE H. MILLARD All three books are now listed
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of the most brilliant
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Alone & Homeless Jack's
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OUTSIDER - (ISBN: 0-595-19424-9)
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